Thursday, May 31, 2007

Old lady first to go?

The title says it all... call it a premenition if you will.

I'm a psychic, see.


Did I just hear that right? I'm sure the twins names were 'Salamander'.

Interesting idea, to give them a single name. But surely they could have come up with something slightly less amphibious, I mean, they don't look particularly slimy.

Bimbo would have been a better choice, easily split when one of them gets the boot.

Perhaps they're both very good at holding their breath.

Multi-coloured Flop Shop

What's with the new logo?

Not really what you'd call "bangin'" is it?

Of course, I suppose it's possible we'll get Noel Edmonds, John Craven, Maggie Philbin and Cheggers, as additional housemates, which might be interesting.

What will you swap for an Action Man Assault Tower set?

Answers on a post-card (or comment) please.


Saturday, May 20, 2006

Ready and waiting

It's May 2006. Big Brother 7 has just started in the UK, and I want to start writing a blog dedicated to it - I've been beaten to the punch though on the name, I wanted it to be called

Instead, I've had to create Gah!

This is what you might call some forward planning!